R.I.P Summer 2017 – A Retrospective Funeral

Fun Stuff

Now that summer is 100% officially over and school has gotten into full swing, I feel like I needed a kind of funeral for summer. So, here it is, in blog form… Enjoy?

Summer 2017 was always a quiet one. They weren’t too loud, they never screamed, “I’M THE BEST” or “BEST SUMMER EVER”. No, they were always quieter. But, as time passed, Summer became more and more adventurous, taking me to so many new places. Summer took me to New York, Boston, Maine, Washington D.C, Philadelphia, Rhode Island, and Los Angeles.

I was more alone than usual with Summer, I didn’t hang out with my friends as much because I wasn’t at home for most of the time. But, when I did, it was filled with laughs and ice tea.

Summer also taught me some lessons about Time Management. I took a Programming Course this summer, and I hated it. No, I despised it. School has never really been hard for me, and I never understood what it was like to be completely confused. Summer challenged me to learn something new. They challenged me to challenge myself, and that the best way to learn is pushing through the confusion and trying your best. Summer’s lesson was definitely cheesy, but true nonetheless.

Summer also taught me to look back. To look back where I was last year, to see how far I’ve come. Let me tell you, it’s been a long journey. In 2016, following June, I felt free. I no longer had the chains that bound me to my old peers. There were no tearful goodbyes that summer like I had expected. I left my past behind this summer. I was coming off of one of the best years in a long time.

Maybe, just maybe, I’d found my place.

Summer and I were doing so well. Just when they started to gain more courage and more spirit, we returned home. We returned to have just one week left together. One week before we’d be ripped apart for another year again. Mostly, I just sat around in my room, waiting for the inevitable to happen. Then came Orientation, and it was like I was already wishing Summer goodbye. I saw all my friends again, took my Student I.D photo, and met my advisory. I didn’t want to say goodbye, but I wouldn’t have a choice.

And then that weekend passed.

The night before school started, I wish Summer a tearful goodbye. I would miss them, I would miss them until we could be reunited again. Until then, I had 9 months to suffer through, waiting for the day we could see each other again.

R.I.P. Summer 2017, you will always be missed.
